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What is a dao & how does it work?

This DAO aims to create smart contracts capable of carrying out legal services. It is headquartered in the Cryptovoxels metaverse platform and is concerned with building blockchain tools that can automate aspects of legal services, including arbitration.

What is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)?

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a web3 idea that allows communities, corporations, or any type of collective organization to be administered and governed without centralized leadership, thanks to the ability of blockchain. So, what exactly does that mean?

Who owns a dao?

Most DAOs are not directly owned by anyone in the traditional sense. After the DAO completes the funding phase and becomes operational on blockchain, its original creators have no more influence on the project than any other stakeholder.

When did Dao start?

Although the term may be traced back to the 1990s, it was not until 2013 that it became more widely adopted. Although some argue that Bitcoin was the first DAO, the term is only understood today as organizations deployed as smart contracts on top of an existing blockchain network.

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